目前分類:了解人 (4)

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What does it mean to be a nice guy? Doesn't everybody want to do good things? I like to try to follow the Golden Rule, to do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I think that if I am nice to others and make them happy, then I feel happy myself. It is because "good things come back to you." So, I often try to do good things for others to make them happy.

In fact, I actually think it's easier for guys to act as "nice guys" (although I think girls can too), since guys are usually more willing to be nice to girls, in hope that the girls will reciprocate. Also for close friends, if one party wants to be a close friend, but the other person doesn't really care, then they still will not become close friends. It seems that any type of inter-human relationship requires reciprocity. Nice guys don't get this, and that they shouldn't waste their time if there's no reciprocity. If the other side doesn't reciprocate, then it seems somewhat foolish to continue acting nicely. This isn't to say that you should act badly towards someone, just that one could be neutral, neither good nor bad.

As for myself, I like being nice to people and making them happy, so that it is somewhat easy for me to become a "nice guy." When I find out, however, then I refuse to go along. I have a lot of good friends -- I'm nice to them, and they're nice to me, so that everyone is happy. Why should I continue to waste my time? I don't know. I deserve better than that.

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